Monday, January 5, 2009

Traveling for work

After an early meeting at work today, I hit the road for O'Hare, and after waiting an additional hour for my flight to leave, was finally on my way to Denver. While I was in the air, I took an "inventory" of what I needed to accomplish today, and it occurred to me that I forgot to bring my camera to take my "photo of the day". I was somewhat distress, but resolved to find a solution to the problem, so after an hour shuttle ride from the airport into downtown Denver, I checked into my hotel, put my luggage in my room, and headed out to the 16th street mall, in seach of a digital camera that can reside in my purse and therefore be available where ever I go... I did manage to find something relatively inexpensive, with 7 mp resolution. I am fighting with it to get a download though... rrrr.... I will try again tomorrow!
So, I have added my photo for Monday--my "home for a couple of nights in Denver. Just enough space to move around, do some work, and relax a bit and get ready for work on Tuesday.

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